#126 Santa Fe Live
Rubin, “Aspen Meadow” Santa Fe, October 2021
Pulling out photos tonight, I assembled these two— Georgia O’Keefe (left) and Alfred Stieglitz (at right). The portrait of Stieglitz is by Ansel Adams (1939); the O’Keefe is by Karsh (1956). Interestingly, Stieglitz is in front of a painting by his wife, O’Keefe. O’Keefe’s portrait is in New Mexico, pretty much where we are now.
Roman Vishniac, “Einstein at Princeton” (1941)— the work on the chalkboard, according to SLAC physicist Aaron Roodman “Those are Christoffel symbols, tensors that are used in General Relativity.” Kevin Zhou added “The way they’re arranged suggests he’s probably expanding out the Riemann tensor.” (The other photo is a classic portrait by Phillippe Halsman.)