The Photograph as Haiku


Elegant in its simplicity; challenging to master

This is the most enthusiastic I’ve been about photography. Ever.
— R.R. (Spring 2023)
Your concept of a photograph as a haiku is so very beautiful, insightful, and helpful, and I’m hoping to keep building with the foundation you are offering. It’s a brilliant analysis of what makes a photo resonate. I’ll be forever grateful.
— Gail F. (Fall 2022)

This class speaks so much to what I want to see and express in my photography. Always looking at and seeing patterns in everything. Now you have given us a tool to express those life patterns
— Anne U. (Spring 2023)
Not only fun and very informative, but transformative! I’ve taken other workshops that were either fun or informative—but this has been a combination of three factors: head, heart, and spirit.
— Chris F. (Winter 2023)


December 2022 - “Perfecting your Craft” printing workshop with Jean Miele, Santa Fe Photographic Workshops

I had been searching for a new creative spark and a way to express my own voice in photography. This class was just what I needed! It’s not about the latest and greatest gear and technology. It’s not about shouting out loud to get attention. It’s a “practice” in the pursuit of that unique image that expresses one’s personal visual experience of a moment.
— Vina (Spring 2022)

In-Person Workshop, Santa Fe (Aug 2022) by Tracey Polson

Lectures, Presentations & Keynotes

Request a 60-min live presentation for your photo group/club.

I offer a unique method of teaching and thinking about photography that combines lessons of mid-century modernism with the principles of haiku (alongside a Zen-arts philosophical foundation) to create more enjoyable and interesting pictures. While technical and business aspects of photography are important, I focus on aesthetics and philosophy to help students understand what makes a good picture and how to continue growing once they have technical skill. This approach can be applied to any kind of subject matter, and emphasizes quick, improvisational, composition. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, this method is challenging and rewarding to learn.