#139 Goodbye, Elliott Erwitt, with Rick Smolan
Elliott Erwitt (1928-2023)
Elliott Erwitt, “New York” (1974)
Elliott Erwitt, “New York” (1946)
“The thing that’s nice about photographing dogs is they don’t ask for prints.””
Elliott Erwitt, “Krushchev and Nixon, Moscow” (1959)
Elliott Erwitt, “California Kiss, Santa Monica” (1955) — notice the lines in the car and the waves behind them.
Elliott Erwitt, “East Hampton, New York” (1983)
Erwitt quotation on the main wall at Neomodern, 2017
From the cover of his classic book “Recent Developments”
His retrospective
Get this collection — Erwitt’s last book.
In the last years of his life, Erwitt went through every photo he had taken in his 70 years of shooting. He re-evaluated them, and found many photos never before seen, that he’s most happy with. “At 90 years old i’m back finding gems.”
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