#33 Flashback 2001: The Collection and F64

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In 2001 I traveled to Florida to visit my parents and to see the opening of an exhibit (“Group f64: Defining Modernism”) at the Harn Museum of Art. Seizing a rare opportunity, I decided to interview them about the collection, photography, and the show. We picked up some Sonny’s BBQ and sat at a picnic table at the park while I videotaped. This is an excerpt from the full interview.

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Frames from the video, and the Harn F64 exhibit.

Photos We Refer To

Ansel Adams, Dune (1948)

Ansel Adams, Dune (1948)

Harry Callahan (1954)

Harry Callahan (1954)

Andre Kertesz, Shadow of Eiffel Tower (1929)

Andre Kertesz, Shadow of Eiffel Tower (1929)

Josef Sudek (1950)

Josef Sudek (1950)
