#62 The Syntopicon: Russ, Doug, Kris and Nigel
This episode is our review and discussion of our first four guest shows — Russell Brown, Doug Menuez, Kris Sanford and Nigel Barker.
Doug Menuez, “Hacienda de San José del Refugio Amatitan” (2001), from his book “Heaven, Earth, Tequilla”
“The two volumes that make up the Syntopicon comprise a distinctive kind of index. The term "syntopicon" means a collection of topics. In these two volumes there are nearly 3,000 topics parceled out among 102 ideas. The purpose of these volumes is to provide a subject-matter index to writings included in the Great Books of the Western World. Underlying the creation of the Syntopicon is the conviction that the books in this set have an overall unity in the discussion of common themes and problems. Such a unity exists because all of the books belong to the western tradition…” — (Philosopher and editor Mortimer Adler)
Our syntopicon will periodically insert episodes into the mix where we review and synthesize ideas and threads that move through different conversations with our guests. What does Russell Brown think of the use of Photoshop vs. journalist Doug Menuez. Or artist Kris Sanford. How did they learn composition? What photos inspire them? And so forth.
A few of my pictures from the Photowalk at Fort Point (Join our Meetup group to participate! Bay Area Photowalks)
Rubin’s Portfolio of Photography | Rubin’s Instagram (@droidmaker)
Suzanne’s Instagram (@sfritzhanson)
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